
How To Fix Led Screen

Television or many known as TV is an electronic device that many people use nowadays, it can be used to capture the signal that can be turned into a visual image with sound and color so people can watch it.

As an electronic device, it is very common for TV to have many problems and one of them is vertical lines that could affect the screen. This vertical lines problem could happen in all types of television either LED or LCD.

vertical lines in led tv
Vertical Lines in LED TV Screen

These vertical lines will obviously annoy you when you are watching TV. The vertical lines usually occur due to something is broken inside the TV, such as T-CON Board or even the LED panel itself.

However, external problems could also be the cause. Such as water that is flowing inside the TV, the TV has fallen or bumped with a solid object.

Therefore, you need to know what is the causes of these vertical lines and how to fix them. Here are 6 causes of vertical lines and how to fix them.

1. Broken T-Con Board

When the vertical lines appear on your TV screen, usually it happens because the flat cable did not connect to T-Con Board. T-Con is an abbreviation of Timing Control in LED TV.

The Timing Control itself has a function to turn of and turn on the LED or LCD panel on your TV. If it is broken, your TV's image quality will suffer.

To check on this problem, you can knock on the backside of your TV. If you knock it hard enough and the vertical lines on your screen are gone then it is because the T-Con Board is loose.

However, if this problem still exists then it will be 100% due to the flat cable that is connected to T-Con Board is broken. There are also a number of problems that could affect the T-Con such as:

  • The cable which connect T-Con modul and display panel is not connected or break. The causes can be because the connector cable is dirty or rusty.
  • The voltage in T-Con is gone. If there are vertical lines, then it is very likely due to the lose voltage with Multi Channel Power Supply TFT Panel.
  • The gamma is broken, hence why the color that appear is only black and white.
  • IC Scan Driver is broken, hence why the vertical lines appear.

If these are the reason, then the only thing you can do is to change the component with the new one.

2. Your LED TV Frame is Rusty

Another reason that vertical lines appear could be because your TV frame is rusty. This can happen because the TV frame is made from metal that can get rusty over time.

The rustiness can spread to another component such as flat cable or T-Con Board. To overcome this problem, you can change your LED TV frame to a new one.

3. LED Screen is Damaged

The LED panel that has been damaged could also create another problem; distortion. This can happen because the LED TV has been fallen or been hit by a hard object.

The only solution is to replace the LED panel because there is no other way to fix the LED panel if it's already damaged.

4. Connector Cable is Loose

The loose connector cable can also be the reason, it is usually located in the back of the TV.

If this cable is loose or damaged, it can create distortion to a half or even all TV screen.

Make sure that all the cables are connected properly. You can always disconnect and connect it again to see if it give you a better result on your screen.

5. The Screen Has been Exposed to Water

The next cause could be because the screen has been exposed to water. This usually happens if you wipe the screen with a wet cloth.

This can cause a short circuit to the LED TV screen component. Especially if you wipe the screen while the TV is on.

To avoid this problem you need to turn off the TV first. Then, dried all the TV components.

If it is already dry but the vertical lines still exist then you need to check it further. The worst-case scenario? You need to replace every single component.

6. Never turning off the TV

Keeping the TV on all the time could create these vertical lines to appear on your screen. You need to be aware that every electronic needs to be turned off too.

Avoid this habit to protect your LED TV.

Those are some causes of vertical lines in your TV screen. Pay attention to your TV usage, and fix the screen panel as soon as these vertical lines appear in order to avoid future problems.

How To Fix Led Screen


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